Sunday, November 15, 2015

Heart Dissection Lab Q's

1)  What is the purpose of the pericardium?
-It protects and stabilizes the heart. It keeps the heart lubricated and also prevents it from getting too big.

2)  Observe the blood vessels connecting to the heart. How do arteries differ from veins in their structure?
-arteries are elastic and thick. The walls of arteries contain smooth muscle fiber that contract and relax.

3)  What function do you think the auricle serves?
-They contain oxygenated (left auricle) and deoxygenated(right auricle) blood that are cycled through to either the left ventricle from the left auricle and the right ventricle from the right auricle.

4)  Observe the external structures of the atria and ventricles. what differences do you observe?
-The ventricles are thicker and more muscular than the atria because they pump more blood, further.

5)  Why is the "anchoring" of he heart valves by the chordae tendineae and the papillary muscle important to heart function?
-It ensures that the valves close properly in order for there to not be any leaks that can be fatal.

6)  What is the function of the semi-lunar valves?
-they make sure that the blood is going in the right direction. They prevent the backflow of blood from the arteries to the ventricles during ventricle diastole. The semi-lunar valve also helps maintain pressure on major arteries.

7)  If valvular heart disease occurs on the right side of the heart, it results in swelling in the feet and ankles. Why might this happen?
-The right side of the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the whole body. If the valve is leaking, then the blood isn't able to reach the feet as much.

8)  If valvular disease occurs on the left side of the heart, what would you expect to see?
-You would expect to see lower oxygen in the blood, creating tiredness.

9)  Describe how the left and right sides of the heart differ from each other.
-the right side of the heart is thicker and more muscular because it pumps blood to the whole body, whereas the left side of the heart is thinner because it pumps up blood through the lungs.

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