Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sheep Eye Dissection Lab Analysis

For this lab, my partner and I had to identify key parts of a sheep eye. At first, we had to identify the eye lid, cornea, sclera (white part of the eye) and the fatty tissue. There was more fatty tissue than we had thought there could be, so we had to remove a lot of it. Next we turned the eye over to the posterior side and identified the optic nerve and the extrinsic muscle.  When we were at the point of cutting into the sheep eye, we had to go through the sclera which was very tough. On one half of the eye we identified the vitreous humor as well as the lens. On the other half was the retina which is a very small thin layer around the interior surface of the eye.  Once you remove the retina, which is very easy to peel off as it is only attached to the eye where the optic nerve is located, there is a vibrant aquamarine color underneath. When you look at the half where the lens was located, after you remove the license you can locate the iris and the people underneath.  Overall, this procedure was very fun and easy and I would definitely do it again.

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